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Search syntax

In the preferences page you find keywords for special queries. To give a few examples: generate a random UUID. random uuid. find the average. avg 123 548 2.04 24.2. show user agent of your browser (needs to be activated) user-agent. convert strings to different hash digests (needs to be activated)

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preferences - searx

min, max, avg, sum, prod: Compute min/max/avg/sum/prod of the arguments: avg 123 548 2.04 24.2: Random value generator: random: Generate different random values: random string, random int, random float, random sha256, random uuid: This is the list of cookies and their values searx is storing on your computer.

duckduckgoqwant cached › preferences

preferences - searx

min, max, avg, sum, prod: Compute min/max/avg/sum/prod of the arguments: avg 123 548 2.04 24.2: This is the list of cookies and their values searx is storing on your computer. With that list, you can assess searx transparency. Information! currently, there are no cookies defined.

duckduckgoqwant cached › preferences

preferencje - searx

min, max, avg, sum, prod: Oblicz min/max/avg/sum/prod argumentów: avg 123 548 2.04 24.2: Oto lista ciasteczek i ich wartości, które searx zapisuje na Twoim komputerze. Za pomocą tej listy możesz ocenić przezroczystość searx. Informacja! obecnie nie zdefiniowano żadnych ciasteczek.

qwant cached › preferences

preferencje - searx

min, max, avg, sum, prod: Oblicz min/max/avg/sum/prod argumentów: avg 123 548 2.04 24.2: Oto lista ciasteczek i ich wartości, które searx zapisuje na Twoim komputerze. Za pomocą tej listy możesz ocenić przezroczystość searx. Informacja! obecnie nie zdefiniowano żadnych ciasteczek.

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preferences - Geniux Mextor

Compute min/max/avg/sum/prod of the arguments: avg 123 548 2.04 24.2: Random value generator: random: Generate different random values: random string, random int, random float, random sha256, random uuid: This is the list of cookies and their values searx is storing on your computer.

duckduckgo cached › searx › preferences

preferences - searx

min, max, avg, sum, prod: Compute min/max/avg/sum/prod of the arguments: avg 123 548 2.04 24.2: Random value generator: random: Generate different random values: random int, random sha256, random float, random string, random uuid: This is the list of cookies and their values searx is storing on your computer.

duckduckgo cached › science › article › pii › S1386418112000183

Is warrant really a derivative? Evidence from the Chinese warrant ...

The literature on studying the Chinese warrant market is scarce. Xiong and Yu (2011) observe bubbles in the market by focusing on put warrants in 2005-2008. They also use the data to test bubble theories and show evidence of the experimental bubble. Wu (2011) further studies the Chinese warrants bubble by using both put and call warrants in ...

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